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Bob Sulier

10 Tales to Talk About - Vol.1   (Ages 8-12)


10 More Tales to Talk About - Vol. 2


The Best of Life   ( Ages 13+ )  (New Release)  


New Release  April 15

The Best of Life

          The phrase 'Best of Life,' might be described as the hopeful joy and satisfaction that is achieved from doing the best you can, with what you have, in the time that you've been given.


Notice that wealth or health is not a requirement!  


Some of us do not "have" as much as others.  Some don't have a lot of "time" either.  However, "the best you can" refers to our 'personal' challenges, as well as our desire to be happy and victorious with life, in spite of our situation. 


Click on Red arrows

The Best of Life series of verse stories is intended to take a look at life from many perspectives.  Each opens the door to the human situation in a specific way and with a particular theme.  Topics touch upon our past and future, love, aging, working, parenting, family and friends.  Other stories include the essentials of our personal well being such as faith, hope, empathy and charity.  You might even discover our place in the universe.  Every story is different, just like those who decide to enter these pages.  Lots to think about!  Enjoy!

Click on "Versatility" for a few samples

     10 Tales to Talk About  -  Volume 1 
10 More Tales to Talk About  -  Volume 2


             Kids who reach the 'tween' years (8-12), experience enormous shifts in their physical, emotional, and cognitive development.  While some children look in the mirror and see height and strength changes, others may experience awkwardness, clumsiness, weight gain, and other characteristics that may make them feel less than 'normal' when they compare themselves to their friends.


                                                            It's the time for comparisons. 

They'll attempt to determine if they are as fast, smart, strong, tall, coordinated, etc.. For some, this is scary. Even though kids begin to look to their friends and perhaps to their internet devices for many answers, they are very much in need of parental guidance and support. 


                                 It's the time to discover the world and ask a 'zillion' questions.                                      Finding the best answers is important to them and to you.  It's all about your child's social awareness.  Parents can help to form this 'social landscape' by sharing good answers to these very good questions. Today, children from 8-12 years old, spend between 4-6 hours per day looking at screens! Teens average a whopping 7-9 hours per day staring at their devices. Even while in the same room, they’ll often choose their favorite social media rather than talking with each other. So who will they learn from . . . you or the internet?


I invite parents to gather your children and enjoy both Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 of important topics that you'll want to share with them.  That's  20 easy bedtime type, fun stories that are most definitely                               


                                                . . . TALES TO TALK ABOUT !  

Click on "Versatility" for a few samples


 10 Tales to Talk About - 
Vol. 1

Rocks in My Head

Even Simple things can be amazing if you look closely and think twice. 


Counting Stars

If you try and fail, don’t stop trying! Success will eventually be yours.


Licorice Sea

With a dream and a strong desire to succeed, anyone can reach for the stars.


Think Big

Goals are reached with effort and positive thinking. If you think you can, you probably can!



The road of life may be harder if you travel alone. Bring friends along for the ride.


What Works

Everyone chooses that special tree to climb. What kind of worker will you be?


Maggie's Magic

Life can be magical when you have great friends and neighbors by your side.


Popular Penelope

What makes you popular? Is it your outer glamour or is it your inner glow?


The Young Bird Sings

Life can be scary. Facing the future sometimes takes a leap of faith.


The New Zoo

Every living thing on Earth is different, and yet we all are so much the same.


10 More Tales to Talk About
                 - Vol. 2


If I put a coin into a 'Charity' box . . . 

where does it go?  What does it do?

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I'm Just Right For Me

People come in all sizes.  Everyone is

different.  Am I the best that I can be?

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Every living thing begins with something

very small, then blossoms into 

something amazing!



Guppy Bubbles

If I treat a pet like a friend,  I know

that I feel better . . .  but do they?

Do pets have feelings?


My House - Your House

All living things have their very own home.  But can we all live in the same  house?

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Even when it seems that I don't have

what it takes to win . . . I'm confident

that my turn is coming.


The Winner

Is it possible to win even when I lose?



Painted Wings

Tiny caterpillars have the 'Super-Power'

to do amazing things!

Do I have any power?

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Who Is 'Mother Nature'?

Should I be sad that I can't play ball on a rainy day?   Or . . . is this a good thing?

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Pumpkin Man

If a friend does something very nice

for me,  it might also be very nice

to return the favor!


About Bob

Bob is a native of Northwest Ohio and has been married to his lovely wife and soul-mate Mary for 50+ years. Together they have been blessed with three amazing sons and six equally amazing grandchildren. 


Bob has also enjoyed creative verse writing for 50+ years. Having accumulated over 100+ works for both young and old, he is now encouraged by many to share via publication.

© 2022 by Robert G. Sulier

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